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matteo meschiari architecture is a collaborative practice focused on eco-systemic architecture and health.

"The air we breathe is the breath of other living beings. In the breath we depend on the life of others."

Coccia Emanuele

Our driving forces and values:


We work in a variegated and multi-disciplinary team shaped on the given conditions, project and budget. High diversity of components and dense network of interaction characterise the realm of complexity of reality and eco-systems. One objective is to establish a more fluid and deep interaction between different disciplines and expertise from conception till the construction of a project: (Neuro)Biologists, bio-chemists, climate-analysts, finance experts, engineers, doctors, farmers, technocrats, scientists, etc. In doing so mma aims to build a broader selected network able to cooperate more incisively at a local and global scale; inspire and be inspired and spread knowledge. We need to criss-cross in depth the ultra-specialised experts and thinkers to achieve a even more profound awareness and balanced, if not holistic, knowledge. On a longer term, we aim to set the base for a collaborative approach that can be used by other architects and experts.


Our aim is to intervene into an eco-system by becoming part of it and without threatening our/its viability on a long term basis. So we speak of eco-systemic architecture. Due to the complexity of the task, we use a moderative approach and through experimentation we strive for a more aware comprehension of what it means intervening into an eco-system. It is crucial to understand the embedded energy of a place in its totality and its natural, and 'not', resourcefulness including the future possible developmental changes. Only after that, we implement extra sourced energy to complete a project; but with the awareness of its future impact and how it will re-circulate. On a longer term, in general, the main objective will be to make an architecture that achieves the right balance between efficiency and resilience guaranteeing the viability of the project into the system.

Plants & Health

In the conception of a space/place we dedicate attention to the positive & negative impact of architecture on health and its bond with the world of plants. So, the typical humanocentric design approach is subceeded by a uni-distributed one, where plants represent a fundamental user: Plants make up the 80% of the biomass on planet Earth; the animals, included humans, the 0.3%. Plants survives average 50 millions of years on Earth; the average species 5 millions; the homo sapiens sapiens exists since 350.000 years. It is evident that there are species far more experienced in inhabiting planet Earth in a healthy way. So, one of the first objectives of mma is: 1- To collect the available expertise and knowledge and organize it for broader use. 2 - To raise a more truthful and ponded awareness outside any fashion and trend. 3 - To explore and improve the applicability of this approach with selected clients and projects.

Genes & Bits

In creating and applying solutions to a project mma strives for a balance between biology and technology, low-tech and high-tech, genes and bits. We have ancient biological biases embedded in our genes but simultaneously an inevitable evolutionary push of which technology is part of. So we try to collect and re/learn the ancient biological knowledge and at the same time carefully test and select new technologies. To give an example, by studying biophilia and vernacular architecture but also parametrization and climate analyses. In this dichotomy, are lying our projects.

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